The Lost Civilization is the revelation of a civilization that dwells in the ocean depths of the world of Clorofilla. With the same interactive approach of Clorofilla, this project aim to explore new linguistic possibilities and to portray the multidimensional nature by which human beings perceive and experience the environment. The Lost Civilization aims to address the unsolved social conflicts of our age providing narrative and mystical visual solutions to them.
The studio would be used all the 10 days each month to produce the music of the performance and record the tracks.
After one week from the start of residency would be provided the plan (discussed together) of the work and goals to achieve, together with the plan of the workshops.
Workshop proposal:
Audiovisual tool for interactive performance (overview of different software for audiovisual performance and live demonstration).
Body Mapping and Optical tracking modules: playing sounds and interact with the virtual world through leap motion
Exploration of the virtual world of Clorofilla: how to build a metaverse through real time graphic engine and audiovisual interaction
5) In the ShineHouse Residence I expect to focus on the new project and get in touch with the local artistic scene, in order to merge the new experiences into the project of Niagara. I expect to release the new journey of Clorofilla in a final performance to show to the audience at the end of the residency. The Camp week workshop would allow collaboration with other artists that is one of my main points of interest in the residency' program.

Sofia Albanese
是一位居住在柏林的作曲家和製作人。她在古典和爵士音樂方面的豐富經驗與她在音樂學院的學習相結合,融入了不同的電子項目以及電影和紀錄片的音樂。在過去的幾年裡,她專注於多媒體創作數位工具深化軟體,如 Ableton、Max MSP 和 Unreal Engine。如今,她的藝術研 究主要集中在視聽藝術世界,以揭示跨媒體藝術的令人印象深刻的力量。
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